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Everything in Moderation

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At 108, Martin McEvilly is the oldest man in Ireland. He’s outlived his 10 older siblings, although many lived into their 90s. Maybe his longevity has something to do with his love of bicycling? Maybe it has something to do with his healthy lifestyle? Or his genetics? Martin says his longevity mantra is “everything in moderation.” It sounds like his healthy longevity is a little bit of all those things.

Martin has been active his whole life. Even as a child growing up on a family farm kept him busy with chores. As an adult, Martin has never owned a car. Instead, he rode his bicycle everywhere. It wasn’t until he turned 99 that he gave up cycling but continued to use an exercise bike until her turned 105.

Getting so much exercise in the clean, Irish countryside is certainly a key component of Martin’s healthy lifestyle. Not only is cycling a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness, but it also helps in building muscle strength and tone, particularly in the legs. As a low-impact exercise, it is gentle on the joints. It also reduces stress, increases mental clarity, and when done regularly can improve cognitive function and lower the risk of dementia.

In addition, Martin doesn’t eat after 7 p.m. and only drinks on Sundays when he enjoys three glasses of Guinness. While he was devoted to physical fitness, his family claims that the three aspects of his life that he was most passionate about were family, faith, and politics.

Still living in the house he grew up in, now with his daughter, Martin is in good health and pain free. Curious about the details of “everything in moderation” in Ireland? Keep reading…

The post Everything in Moderation appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.

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