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Summer Mental Health First Aid Kit

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The long awaited summer months are here. Just the word “summer” conjures up visions of beach vacations, backyard barbecues, and tall glasses of iced tea. However, as the long, hot days wear on this season can also present unique mental health challenges, from increased social pressure to the stress of maintaining a busy schedule with visiting friends and relatives and kids out of school. You, no doubt, have a first aid kit for bites, burns, and other possible physical ailments this summer. However, you should also have at the ready a mental health first aid kit to help you manage stress and maintain emotional wellbeing. In case you don’t have one, or yours could do with some updating, let’s create one together.

Self-Care Essentials

Always have a water bottle. This might not be new advice, but it’s good advice, especially as the weather heats up. Dehydration can put you in a bad mood and give you brain fog. Beyond that, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, approximately 518,000 hospitalizations occur in the U.S. annually as a result of dehydration.
Have sun protection and use it. Sunburn never put a smile on anyone’s face. Sunscreen, a hat, high quality sunglasses, and even a summer umbrella can keep your sunny disposition going.
Don’t forget the snacks. Generally speaking, we don’t feel as hungry when we’re hot. But that doesn’t mean that your body doesn’t need nourishment. To keep your energy levels stable snack on healthy foods like fruit, vegetables, and nuts.

Relaxation Tools and Positive Distractions

Harness the power of essential oils. A little lavender, chamomile, or eucalyptus dabbed on your pulse points can change your perspective, even in the most heated of situations.
Music. Books on tape. A meditation tape. Any of these plus a good set of ear buds can transport you away from even the loudest of parks or other kid-centered recreation spots.
Paper and pencil. Whether you use it for journaling or drawing – don’t leave home without something to use when the urge for self-expression hits.

Emergency Resources

A towel and/or yoga mat can turn any situation into an opportunity to stretch and get in some yoga, or simply relax in the sun. Go ahead, you deserve it!

These are the basics. Feel free to add anything that gives you pleasure while being potentially useful for keeping an “emergency” situation at bay. Once you have gathered these items, find a summer tote or basket to keep everything organized and easily accessible.

The goal of a mental health first aid kit is to have tools at your fingertips that can help you manage stress, boost your mood, and maintain your mental health throughout the summer. Remember, taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health.

As you navigate the summer months, crack open your kit regularly and update it as needed. With these tools, you’ll be better equipped to enjoy the season and handle whatever comes your way with resilience and grace.

If you really want to take care of yourself mentally and physically, during the summer and all year long, be sure to see your 100 Year Lifestyle provider on a regular basis. No one can keep you operating at 100% and enjoying all that life has to offer better than they can!

The post Summer Mental Health First Aid Kit appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.

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